

Kategori: Allmänt

Jag hittade min mapp med gamla dikter. Jag tänkte dela med mig lite.


You gave me the strength to carry on. You were there to comfort me. You were the reason to come home. Everything I faught for doesn't make sense, because you're not here and share life with me.

This is me

This is a girl who rather stays in and writes a song than goes to a party and get wasted.
This is a girl who rather plays football than goes shopping.
This is a girl who has her own opinion on things.
This is a girl who doesn't care what people think about her, or what they say about her.
This is a girl who has her own type of music. She's not mainstream.
This is a girl who thinks that make-up is unnecessary because you're just as beautiful without.
This is a girl who doesn't pretend to be someone she's not.
This girl is me.

Livets slut

Jag ser på dig, och du på mig. Vi känner båda, båda att tiden är ute. Nu kan vi inget göra. Vi håller varandras händer hårt, lutar oss framåt och faller långsamt ner. Vi landar och där tod livet slut, med varandras händer tätt ihop.

Hard to say

Once again we're sitting here. The silence is killing me, killing you. It's hard to breathe, the air is gone. I turn to you.
I want to say it. My feeling is burning inside, but the moment has died along with everything I once thought it was.
Let's talk about it. Don't scream, I won't cry. Keep in mind that I love you.
The words are harsh, but I need to hear them. So look into my eyes and tell me that we weren't meant to be.


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